/* LINE: dlg;line_no;sentence1;sentence2| ;{cond} (This statement is optional)
/* LACT: dlg;line_no;{cond|comm} (This statement is optional)
/* ACTION: verb_no;{cond|comm} (This statement is optional)
/* Action 2 - Pick Up
ACTION: 2;IFOBJ ROBJ2;MOBJ;SAY It's too heavy, I can't pick it up!
/* Action 3 - Use
ACTION: 3;IFOBJ ROBJ1;SAY What would you suggest I did with it?;EXIT
ACTION: 3;IFOBJ ROBJ2;SAY Well, I can't, for two reasons.;SAY Firstly, there is no C64 around here.;SAY Secondly, I don't feel like waiting half an hour for a file to load off it!;EXIT
ACTION: 3;IFOBJ 15;IFOBJ2 ROBJ1;SAY I'm not in the mood to do any gardening.;EXIT
ACTION: 3;IFOBJ 15;IFOBJ2 ROBJ1;SAY Yeah, like earth is really tasty!;EXIT
ACTION: 3;IFOBJ 19;IFOBJ2 ROBJ2;SAY Why would I want to take it apart?;SAY To steal the 2 kilobyte memory chips?;SAY Get real!;EXIT